Thursday, June 17, 2010


hi i havent pasted insooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long so i dout anone evern bothers checkin this enyoy these pics

Saturday, March 20, 2010

ok seriously if this doesnt make you cry i dont know what will!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

pick up

hey tonight were picking my dad up from the airport because he went to texas for a north by nortwest thing or maybe its south by south west well i cant remember but anyway i love going to the airport its sooo fun esically at night .well got to go bye !!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

help anyone?

hi! I know i say this every time but : I'm sorry i haven't posted in a while Ive been super busy.So have you guys ever heard of glee club ya like from that TV show right?well my friend started a glee club at my school ! Its fun but we need some ideas for songs to sing but it cant swear or say stuff that a school wouldn't let us preform which suks because alot of good songs with good beats swear or say other stuff like that. oh ya srry if you dont know what glee club is it is a club (no duh) where you preform and dance and sing and stuff so were going to be singing for the assembly so i will tell you how that turns out hahaha! Anyway so if you have any good ideas let me know! I was thinking of The Show by Lenka lots of people don't know what that is so you can always look it up on you tube its a perfect example of good music good for school performances check it out and tata for now!(:

Thursday, March 4, 2010

(cool title here)

Tic tac toe
threee in a row
the end

Friday, February 26, 2010

oh my gosh I'm so exhausted! I'm in the tech crew for the play at my school and we've done the play like five times!Its romeo and Juliet but the actors for romeo and Juliet don't even like each other!its cool got to go bye

Saturday, February 20, 2010

i dont know what to write

hey im back after my computer vacation!
.......this is the part when every one says yay
soo anyway i really have no idea what to write but here are some of my top favorite bands at the moment..
~the killers
~panic! at the disco
~the white stripes
TADA! tell me if theres anything interesting you want me to post!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

hey hey you you

hey! I'm back. School has taken over my life so I'm doing allot of that stuff lately but anyway valentines DAY is coming yay! Nothing ever happens though so its just a normal day with happy faces and mutty textbooks with day dreams and outcasts teachers and teachers pets.Lectures and papers. Folders and notebooks. Lies and truths.zaps and gasps.sighs and apples.faces and fingers.demerits and merits.boys and girls.uniforms and sinks.bathrooms and water fountains.valentines and no secret admirers.~IKS

Sunday, January 24, 2010

the 3 insperations of man


sound of madness

Shine down is super cool my cousin introduced it to me and i absolutely love it! Don't get me wrong its not my favorite but its one of mine!oh and by the way my blog isn't one of those really cool ones with deep writing and inspirational saying all over the place because I'm not good at inspiring people so if your looking for some really works of art here is not the place but if your looking for some random crap that doesn't make any sense then TA DA your looking at it right now!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Bloggers game of eat or be eaten

I need some advice on what to right ask me anything and i promise ill write about it the only challenge for you guys is to actually comment on my posts!I really need some answers or else my blog is going to be one of those really boring blogs that are really random and boring.So please comment thanks you guys rock!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

2009 movie acheivments

Best in a lost cause:
~hes just not that into you:I didn't really see this movie but it looks OK
Best preformed by an animated animal:
~Up:I have to agree the dog (dug) was the best he defiantly earned his place by the cone of shame part!
Best kid friendly movie:
~where the wild things are:Adorable and worth watching!
Best thinking movie:
~9:sad but wonderful animations!
Best love movie:
~New Moon:I think we all agree it was!(a little cheesy but i got over it!)
Snappiest dialogue:
~Fantastic Mr.Fox~Best movie ever SO funny totally worth watching!
Best special effects:
~Avatar:need to see it!
Worst timing:
~Confessions of a shopaholic: strange!
Exiting new movie for 2010:
Alice in Wonderland